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Purple Plants in the Idaho Batholith - High Glacial Drift-Filled Valleys by Scientific Name where Native includes Yes

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monkshood (Aconitum columbianum)Aconitum columbianum
Common Names monk's Hood
Family Buttercup
Flower Color Purple
Plant Type Herb
Short Description 1.5 to 7 feet tall.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
taper-tip onion (Allium acuminatum)
Allium acuminatum
Common Names tapertip onion
Family Lily
Flower Color Purple
Native Yes
Weed No
showy aster, alpine aster, mountain aster (Aster alpigenus var. haydenii)Aster alpigenus var. haydenii
Common Names showy aster, alpine aster, mountain aster
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Purple
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium)

Chamerion angustifolium
Common Names fireweed
Family Evening Primrose
Flower Color Purple
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
shootingstar (Dodecatheon pulchellum)
Dodecatheon pulchellum
Common Names shootingstar
Family Primrose
Flower Color Purple
Plant Type Herb
Native Yes
Weed No
Penstemon spp.
Common Names penstemon, beardtongue
Family Figwort or Snapdragon
Flower Color Purple
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No